Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


Glaciation is the modification of the land’s surface by the

action of glacial ice. When glaciers move over the land’s surface,

they plow up the soils, abrade and file down the bedrock,

carry and transport the sedimentary load, steepen valleys, then

leave thick deposits of glacial debris during retreat.

In glaciated mountains, a distinctive suite of landforms

forms from glacial action. Glacial striations are scratches on

the surface of bedrock, formed when a glacier drags boulders

across the bedrock surface. Roche moutonnée and other

asymmetrical landforms are made when the glacier plucks

pieces of bedrock from a surface and carries them away. The

step faces in the direction of transport. Cirques are bowlshaped

hollows that open downstream and are bounded

upstream by a steep wall. Frost wedging, glacial plucking,

and abrasion all work to excavate cirques from previously

rounded mountaintops. Many cirques contain small lakes

called tarns, which are blocked by small ridges at the base of

the cirque. Cirques continue to grow during glaciation, and

where two cirques form on opposite sides of a mountain, a

ridge known as an arete forms. Where three cirques meet, a

steep-sided mountain forms, known as a horn. The Matterhorn

of the Swiss Alps is an example of a glacial carved horn.

Valleys that have been glaciated have a characteristic Ushaped

profile, with tributary streams entering above the base

of the valley, often as waterfalls. In contrast, streams generate

V-shaped valleys. Fiords are deeply indented glaciated valleys

that are partly filled by the sea. In many places that were formerly

overlain by glaciers, elongate streamlined forms known

as drumlins occur. These are both depositional features (composed

of debris) and erosional (composed of bedrock).

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